Glossop Guild for enquiring minds

Membership currently costs £10 and is renewable annually from 1st May. Members elect the Managing Committee, advise on the choice of courses and benefit from reductions in course fees. You are welcome to join us. This site is updated regularly to include details of all courses offered in the current programme.
In addition to the course programme the Guild usually host two members' evenings per year one of which incorporates the AGM. The member's evenings usually takes the form of a short educational talk followed by a brief introduction to the forthcoming courses, refreshments are provided.
Date Protection - As a small non profit organisation Glossop Guild are exempt from registration with the ICO for data protection act purposes. Nevertheless any personal details you give us directly, or via our course booking process, will only be used for Glossop Guild purposes, and maintained in accord with General Data Protection Regulation Principles
Payment by Standing Order is encouraged which helps us by ensuring that adequate funds are available to meet costs of printing and insurance etc., at times when income from courses is limited. You can download a membership form/standing order form in PDF format by clicking on the icon here if you prefer to pay by post.
N.B. 1 payment on 1st May yearly
Changes to Bank Standing Orders
Thank you for paying the membership fee by Standing Order. As you know, this helps us with forward planning and paying the major bills due in summer (insurance, brochures etc) before money comes in from course fees.
At the last Annual General Meeting the treasurer noted that one or two members were still paying their membership by standing order at the old rate. To change your Standing Order from £5 to £10, you will need to complete a new instruction and send it, or hand it in, to your bank.
The instruction form for the current membership fee is available here:-
This instructs the bank to create a new Standing Order for £10 (or £20 for a couple) from May 1st, and to cancel the previous one. The bank will probably need to have the form before 7th April for it to take effect from May 1st. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the treasurer. (see Contacts).