Glossop Guild for enquiring minds
Summer Term Courses
April 2018 ~ June 2018
An Introduction to Ness Gardens ~ Evening Lecture and Optional Day Visit
Tutor: Bob Callow
Friday 27th April 2018
19.30~21.30h; Fee £7 (or £9 pay-on-door).
The University of Liverpool’s Botanic Gardens at Ness on the Wirral contain some of the finest collections of plants in the north of England. The original garden was set up in 1898 by the cotton broker and socialist campaigner Arthur Bulley, who established Bees Seeds and sponsored two of the pre-eminent plant hunters of the 20th Century: George Forrest and Frank Kingdon-Ward. In consequence of these links, many species introduced to Britain from the Himalaya and western China arrived early at Ness. These include species of Cornus, Davidia, Dodecatheon, Lilium, Nomocharis, Meconopsis, Primula, Rhododendron and Roscoea. The gardens were given to the university in 1948, with the stipulation that they remain open to the public. Members of the university have introduced new collections, alongside the old. These have tended to represent their interest in natural communities of British plants. We shall briefly explore the history of the gardens and examine some of species for which Ness is especially famous.
This course has now been completed

Ness Gardens
Visit to Ness Gardens ~ Conducted by Bob Callow
Saturday 28th April 2018 ## ~ 9am - 5.30pm
Cost: £10 includes admission Transport by shared car **
This trip is limited to 20 persons on a first come first served basis.
A tour of the gardens in late April will allow us to see many fine flowering specimens of Cornus, Dodecatheon, Meconopsis, Primula and Rhododendron, as well as the Handkerchief Tree Davidia involucrata. There are some fine walks, rock gardens and specimen trees and spectacular views over the Dee Estuary. There is plenty of parking and a café selling light refreshments.
** The visit is dependent upon some members agreeing to share seats in their cars. If you are willing to share spare capacity in your car please contact any member of the Guild committee.
Due to the unexpected late spring this date has been changed to Sunday 13th May 2018.
This course has now been completed

Ness Gardens
The Origins and Development of the English Language AD 700- AD 1700 ~ Day School
Tutor: Birgitta Hoffmann
Saturday 12th May 2018
​The Masonic Hall, 14 Henry Street, Glossop. SK13 8BW
10am ~ 4pm Fee £32.50 (Members £25.00)
How History made the English language
Events change the way we express ourselves: overnight the term "911" turned from the name of a cake shop into a shorthand for a disaster. This makes language, particularly the English language a great recorder of historical events and developments. This course is going to look at how the English language to this day preserves historical developments and sometimes contradicts our common perceptions on how history unfolded, and what impact the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans, as well as the Dutch and Spanish had on our language.
This course has now been completed

Runic Alphabet used before Latin
Literary Connexions with the Peak District ~ Evening Talk and Half Day Walk.
Tutor: Terry Goble
Friday 8th June 2018 ~ 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Bradbury Community Centre, Market Street, Glossop, SK13 8AR
Saturday 9th June 2018 ~ 10am - 1pm
Short walk around Castleton highlighting some of the literary associations mentioned in the lecture (see below). Transport by shared car**
Fee £16 (Members £14) NB. This includes lecture & trip.
1. Introduction to "The Literary Way" literature in the Peak district and its development
2. Seedbed of rights and equality - the Cordwell Valley - including George Bernard Shaw, E M Forster
3. The Industrial Revolution - Richness and Oppression including the Brontes, Arkwrights, Smedleys, Wye Valley Mills
4 The Development of Women's Literature, including George Eliot, Alison Uttley, Mary Shelley
5 The High Peak - Agatha Christie, Daniel Defoe, Arthur Conan Doyle

Literary Connexions ~ Short walk (2 miles) conducted by Tutor: Terry Goble
A leisurely walk of be approximately 2 miles on a road and pavement.
We will start our walk at Treak Cliff Cavern outside Castleton and walk up towards the bottom of Mam Tor and then along the road into Castleon and around the village. This illustrated tour will involve 20 different writers some of which are well known, Conan Doyle, Walter Scott, Lord Byron. It is likely we will stop for coffee in Castleton!
** The visit is dependent upon some members agreeing to share seats in their cars. If you are willing to share spare capacity in your car please contact any member of the Guild committee.
This course and walk have now been completed.
Art in Victorian Britain ~ Day School
Tutor: Frank Vigon
Saturday 23rd June 2018
​The Masonic Hall, 14 Henry Street, Glossop. SK13 8BW
10am ~ 4pm Fee £32.50 (Members £25.00)
The course will cover the following topics​:-
The Reign of Artists - A kaleidoscopic view of Victorian artists from Turner to Rennie Mackintosh.
Sex and the Victorians - An examination of Victorian art that often goes hidden from view….like piano legs !
The Pre Raphaelites - The revolutionaries who pioneered a style to rival the stuffiness and predictability of the Royal Academy
Symbolists and Aesthetics - The philosophical battle for beauty and taste……Art for Art’s sake. Artists go beyond the canvas into the mind and the beyond decorous!
Classical Revival - Back to the future – after 50 years of revolt and reflection, the revival of an age long gone
Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau - The refashioning of ancient crafts and the innovation of organic imagery – backwards and forwards
This course has now been completed.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti